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WSCA Leadership Conference
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Information for Administrators

Thank you for your interest in attending the 2024 WSCA Leadership Conference! We are excited to offer an opportunity for school counselors to learn and plan alongside school administrators. Your participation as an administrator includes the following benefits:

  • Complimentary one-year WSCA membership. This membership gives you access to resources and information to help you support your school's comprehensive school counseling program.
  • Administrator-focused breakout sessions. See below for a list of featured sessions.
  • Collaborative time with your team. Take the time to debrief, plan, and connect with your team during our dedicated collaborative time!

Administrator Track Sessions

SchooLinks HSBP Platform: Support for School Administrators
Kim Reykdal
Maria Muto

Join members of the OSPI-SchooLinks Universal HSBP Platform implementation team in learning about the new statewide platform through the school administrator and counselor view. Participants will explore the platform via a brief demo of key data access and reporting functions for school administrators, counselors and other designated staff. Get informed about the new functionality improvements to support all students, as required in Senate Bill 5243, and the statewide implementation timeline and plan. Time for Q&A will also be provided.
School Counselors Matter: Transforming Student Lives while Saving Schools Money!
Brett Zyromski
School counselors must often advocate to keep their positions in schools when the reality is that school counselors are value added and impact critical student outcomes. Attendees will learn how school counselors can change systems at every level to support student success. Empirical research and practical examples will be shared illustrating how school counselors can increase student attendance, increase math and reading scores, and decrease behavior issues – by simply doing school counseling!(Hint: We impact the critical things that lead to improved outcomes) Attendees will leave feeling empowered and equipped to advocate for their position as someone who changes lives and who is an invaluable member of the educational community – with examples and research to back it up!
Empowering Inclusivity and Sense of Belonging in Gender Inclusive Schools
Tim Nootenboom
Rhiannon Catlett
Join us for an insightful workshop aimed at nurturing a sense of belonging for students of all gender identities, while maintaining strong relationships with diverse community members. In this dynamic session, we'll explore practices that foster equitable, inclusive environments where every student and family can feel valued and accepted.

Through engaging discussion, participants will explore the nuances of gender-inclusive policies and learn how to navigate legal frameworks while supporting a school culture that celebrates diversity. From understanding gender identity to implementing inclusive practices, this workshop equips attendees with strategies to champion equity and create safe spaces for all students and families, irrespective of their gender identity or expression.

This workshop will empower and ready counselors to have important conversations with students, parents and community members about the impact of student sense of belonging on both health and culture. Join us in cultivating a more inclusive future for our schools.
Wait! I Thought I Was Just Working with Students: Strategies and Mindsets for Managing Difficult Adults in the Schoolhouse
Dr. Tammy Fisher Huson
We are well-trained to meet our students’ needs with counseling and teaching approaches, behavior plans, and evidence-based curriculum. Yet educator-preparation often misses a critical communication partner in schools: THE ADULTS. As veteran and novice counselors learn quickly, a significant amount of our relational work involves working with and for other adults (cohorts, administration, parents). How do we recognize – and then hone our mindsets and actions to support these often-challenging adults so we can embrace conflict and build that critical win-win partnership needed for student thriving?

In this quick session, we’ll share the good, the bad, and the hopeful as Dr. Huson brings some concrete theories and strategies to building strong, adult partnerships on the shared journey of student success. Expect humor, connection, practical next steps, and new learning as we explore how we can better partner in these important adult relationships – because we are in it together, right?
Navigating OSPI's NEW Model Plan & RCW 28A.320.127
Rafaela Steen
As leaders at the school, district, and state level, School Counselors play a critical role in supporting district level compliance with section 28A.320.127 of the Revised Code of Washington (RCW). This law requires that all K–12 school districts adopt a plan to screen, recognize, and respond to indicators of social, emotional, behavioral, and mental health such as, but not limited to, sexual abuse, substance use, violence, or youth suicide.

This session will provide attendees with the opportunity to learn about the history of OSPI's Model District Template: Student Social, Emotional and Behavioral, and Mental Health Recognition, Screening, and Response and the newest 2022 revisions to the document. We will cross walk the model plan, discuss implementation strategies and challenges, and provide time for roundtable conversation and collaboration. Representatives supporting this work at state, regional and local levels will be on hand to offer resources, answer questions, and provide state level data.
The CSCP - How to Partner with your Principal
Amy Johnson
Learn how to advocate for your Comprehensive School Counseling Program (CSCP) through a partnership with your building principal. We will discuss ways to align your CSCP with your School Improvement Plan (SIP) and how to use data to show the impact of your program! We will share strategies that you can use to make incremental changes towards a more proactive and preventative school counseling program.

Clock hours will be granted to conference participants.