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WSCA Leadership Conference
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Pre-Conference Session

Culturally Responsive Suicide Prevention

Friday, October 11, 2024 | 9am-12pm | Seating Limited to the First 45 Registrants

Join Dr. Edwards as she presents, Culturally Responsive Suicide Prevention. This session meets legislation (RCW 43.70.442) suicide prevention course requirements for certified counselors, focusing on suicide assessment and referral. Best practice recommendations related to prevention, response, and counseling practice for certified counselors including those providing supervision to counseling students or peers will be discussed. Participants will review legal and ethical expectations, learn useful strategies for the assessment and referral process, and practice assessment and referral skills.
Dr. Cher Edwards has been a Counselor Educator for over 25 years. Prior to living in Washington, Cher was a counselor and counselor educator in Ohio where she served on the State Board of Education and as the president of the Ohio Association for Multicultural Counseling and Development, the president of the South East Ohio Counselor Association, and president-elect of the Ohio Association for Spiritual, Ethical, and Religious Values in Counseling.
She also served as vice president of Chi Sigma Iota, an honor society for counseling students. Since coming to SPU, Cher has served the national board of Counselors for Social Justice as member-at-large, awards chair, and treasurer, served as the founding president of Washington Counselors for Social Justice and has served as the Ethics Chair and Vice President of Post-Secondary Education for the Washington School Counselor Association (WSCA). She currently serves as an advisor for the Sigma Phi Upsilon chapter of Chi Sigma Iota and is the President-Elect of the Washington School Counseling Association. She is the recipient of the O’Hana Award presented at the American Counseling Association national conference in 2006 due to social justice advocacy work. Dr. Edwards’ research interests include school counseling, supervision, multicultural competency, and social justice. She has published in the Journal of Professional School Counseling, Virginia Counselors Journal, Journal of the International Community of Christians in Teacher Education, and the Journal of Counseling and Values. In addition to scholarly journals, she has contributed to book chapters, published book reviews, instructors’ manuals for texts, reviewed test instruments, and most recently co-authored a group counseling textbook titled, Group Counseling in the Schools. Dr. Edwards has served on several editorial boards as a reviewer for Professional School Counseling, the Journal of the International Community of Christians in Teacher Education, and the Journal of Job Placement and Development. She has presented at state conferences including the Ohio Counseling Association and Washington School Counseling Association annual conferences and national conferences such as the American Counseling Association, American School Counselor Association, and the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision. International presentations include Montreal, Quebec, Canada; Beverley, East Yorkshire, England; Hangzhou, China; and Ariccia, Italy.

Clock hours will be granted to conference participants.