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WSCA Leadership Conference
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Breakout Sessions

Friday, October 11, 2024

Session 1

School-Wide SEL Strategies to Support Students with Trauma & Anxiety
Renee' Schoening
This session will equip participants with specific school wide SEL strategies to support students with trauma & anxiety. This will include a foundational knowledge of the neurobiology of stress and trauma and the importance of co-regulation. Counselors will learn the importance of teacher collaboration to support the embodiment of SEL strategies for greater impact on students. Suggestions will be offered for evidence based activities that promote school-wide flourishing of students and staff alike.

Talking "College in the High School" with Three Universities: What Counselors Need to Know, What Universities Need to Hear
Tim Stetter
Kyle Carrigan
Jennifer Nuñez
Come 'talk shop' with the program directors of UW, CWU, and EWU's College in the High School programs, which enable high school students to take college courses taught by high school teachers in the high school classroom. A lot goes into these programs - starting with the partnership between colleges and high schools. Critical to this partnership are counselors, who educate and advise students, families, and other school staff about dual credit, including College in the High School. To strengthen these partnerships, university staff will share big picture updates, resources for schools, and insights on what comes next. This session will also feature time for discussion and for counselors to share questions and ideas that can inform how these programs grow and change. Be part of this rare opportunity to talk with counselors from across the state and the directors of the "Big Three" statewide programs all in the same room!

SchooLinks HSBP Platform: Student Experience (Part 1)
Kim Reykdal
Maria Muto
Join members of the OSPI-SchooLinks Universal HSBP Platform implementation team in learning about the new statewide platform through the school counselor view. Participants will explore the platform via a brief demo of key data access and reporting functions for school counselors, administrators and other designated staff. Hear an explanation of new functionality requirements outlined in Senate Bill 5243 and an update on the statewide implementation plan. Time for Q&A will also be provided.

Navigating OSPI's NEW Model Plan & RCW 28A.320.127
Rafaela Steen
Susan Peng-Cowan
As leaders at the school, district, and state level, School Counselors play a critical role in supporting district level compliance with section 28A.320.127 of the Revised Code of Washington (RCW). This law requires that all K–12 school districts adopt a plan to screen, recognize, and respond to indicators of social, emotional, behavioral, and mental health such as, but not limited to, sexual abuse, substance use, violence, or youth suicide.

This session will provide attendees with the opportunity to learn about the history of OSPI's Model District Template: Student Social, Emotional and Behavioral, and Mental Health Recognition, Screening, and Response and the newest 2022 revisions to the document. We will cross walk the model plan, discuss implementation strategies and challenges, and provide time for roundtable conversation and collaboration. Representatives supporting this work at state, regional and local levels will be on hand to offer resources, answer questions, and provide state level data.

Supporting Multilingual Learners' Pathways to Success
Kristin Percy Calaff
Virginia Morales
Multilingual learners have unique assets, hopes, and needs. In this session, members of OSPI’s Multilingual Education team will share a new statewide strategic plan to support multilingual learners and unpack guidance and tools for developing strong counseling systems and pathways to success for all multilingual learners.

Session 2

Combating Racial Microaggressions: A Comprehensive Approach for School Counselors
Brett Muskavage
School leaders have a critical responsibility to engage in practices that address and undo the harmful impacts of systemic racism. School counselors, given their unique positions, are essential advocates in this transformative work. This presentation will showcase a comprehensive approach adopted by one school to tackle racial microaggressions and cultivate a safer environment for students of color. By leveraging professional development training and student-driven initiatives, we were able to educate staff and students, providing them with tools and empowering them to actively shape the school's culture. Attendees of this presentation will leave equipped with specific strategies and tools to address racism in their schools and create meaningful opportunities for student voice and leadership.

Bridging the Gap: Supporting Students with Disabilities Transition to Higher Education
Kristen Duede
Wendy Holde
Join WAPED for an insightful session tailored for high school counselors as we delve into the fundamental differences between disability services in K12 and higher education. Gain a comprehensive understanding of the accommodation process in higher education and acquire essential skills to effectively guide students through this transition. Attendees will depart equipped with practical handouts and resources to empower students and families in navigating disability services in the college environment.

Washington Association on Postsecondary Education and Disability (WAPED) is an organization comprised of disability service providers from 2-year, 4-year, public and private colleges across the state. The information shared in this session is universal across all higher education institutions in Washington.

SchooLinks HSBP Platform: School Counselor View (Part 2)
Kim Reykdal
Maria Muto
Join members of the OSPI-SchooLinks Universal HSBP Platform implementation team in learning about the new statewide platform through the student view. Participants will explore the platform via a brief demo of key functions for students, including an explanation of new functionality requirements outlined in Senate Bill 5243. An update on the statewide implementation plan and time for Q&A will also be provided.

From Burnout to Balance: Utilizing the CLEAR Framework to Support Educator Mental Health and Well-Being
Anna Rowe
Natalie Turner-Depue
With nearly two decades of experience in the field, our team has gathered invaluable insights into the challenges and successes of developing and sustaining trauma-informed Educational systems through implementation of the Collaborative Learning for Educational Achievement and Resilience (CLEAR) framework. In this workshop we aim to explore the themes around vicarious trauma and burnout and educator mental health, examining how the changes in the educational landscape have reshaped our priorities and strategies, and offering insights into fostering resilience and well-being amidst uncertainty. We'll delve into the topic of burnout and explore how reflective practices can play a crucial role in mitigating its impact. Additionally, we'll examine the role of personal resilience and adult social-emotional learning practices in bolstering immunity against burnout. We'll outline a framework for embedding these practices within organizational systems, emphasizing how our CLEAR model can serve as a blueprint that is adaptable to various systems.

It's Time to Show Your Work!
Marin Marks
Working through the ASCA National Model, the model for the Comprehensive School Counseling Program (CSCP)! Marin Marks, your current WSCA Board Chair, offers her experience from having been in very different places of implementation in multiple districts and schools throughout SW WA. No matter where you are or who is on your team right now, you are already doing the work! We will be celebrating the work that you are already doing! Then, we will be looking at the ASCA Templates with the lens to meet you where you are right now in order to show the work that you have been doing! You are encouraged to bring your questions and concerns - this is meant to be an interactive session with the intent to motivate you to show how to display the hard work you have been doing in your buildings and districts!

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Session 3

Wait! I Thought I Was Just Working with Students: Strategies and Mindsets for Managing Difficult Adults in the Schoolhouse
Dr. Tammy Fisher Huson
We are well-trained to meet our students’ needs with counseling and teaching approaches, behavior plans, and evidence-based curriculum. Yet educator-preparation often misses a critical communication partner in schools: THE ADULTS. As veteran and novice counselors learn quickly, a significant amount of our relational work involves working with and for other adults (cohorts, administration, parents). How do we recognize – and then hone our mindsets and actions to support these often-challenging adults so we can embrace conflict and build that critical win-win partnership needed for student thriving?

In this quick session, we’ll share the good, the bad, and the hopeful as Dr. Huson brings some concrete theories and strategies to building strong, adult partnerships on the shared journey of student success. Expect humor, connection, practical next steps, and new learning as we explore how we can better partner in these important adult relationships – because we are in it together, right?

Turtle, Clam, Crab: SEL the fun way!
Deanna Vega
Waldo Vega
In this engaging break-out session, participants will learn how to implement our creative SEL program. Based on the hand-brain model, students learn to say and show how they feel by relating sea creatures to the hand signals. Then, they learn what to do about managing those "clam or crab" feelings by choosing a "Turtle Care Creature." Each creature has its own calming move. For example, Puffy the Pufferfish takes a deep breath! Our materials include a poster, teaching guide with activities (no prep!), coloring book, desk visuals, and a card game that includes 3 classic games in one deck. Our program can be woven into existing curriculum already being taught, or stand alone, so counselors can be flexible with how they use it. With intervention suggestions for tiers 1, 2, 3 of PBIS, you can bring fresh ideas to your whole school and community!

The FUN-damentals: ASCA, WACs, CSCP Facts
Maria Muto
Want to know more about SSB 5030 (2021) and just what the requirements are for Comprehensive School Counseling Programs in RCW and WAC? Wondering about the roles of different ESA staff in a CSCP? Or maybe it has been a while and you want to catch up on any changes to WA laws and rules you have missed. We’ve got you covered! Join us to refresh your knowledge about state agencies and the statutes + rules that apply to School Counselors and their programs as we enter year three of statewide implementation.

What Does Your Time look Like?
Marin Marks
How many times are you asked "what you do all day"? We often try to explain what we do or what happens in our day as school counselors, but what we do with our time is often misunderstood without a picture for others to see. Having a Use of Time calculator can create a portrait of what we truly spend our days doing as school counselors. In addition, having common terms and definitions of our use of time is just as important as the tracking of our time! Come and hear how to utilize the ASCA template and the use of time categories to become empowered to advocate through data! Oh yeah, and it is in WA State legislation now that 80% of our time should be going to direct and indirect student services! We need to know where we are, in order to know how to move forward!

Session 4

Empowering Inclusivity and Sense of Belonging in Gender Inclusive Schools
Tim Nootenboom
Rhiannon Catlett
Join us for an insightful workshop aimed at nurturing a sense of belonging for students of all gender identities, while maintaining strong relationships with diverse community members. In this dynamic session, we'll explore practices that foster equitable, inclusive environments where every student and family can feel valued and accepted.

Through engaging discussion, participants will explore the nuances of gender-inclusive policies and learn how to navigate legal frameworks while supporting a school culture that celebrates diversity. From understanding gender identity to implementing inclusive practices, this workshop equips attendees with strategies to champion equity and create safe spaces for all students and families, irrespective of their gender identity or expression.

This workshop will empower and ready counselors to have important conversations with students, parents and community members about the impact of student sense of belonging on both health and culture. Join us in cultivating a more inclusive future for our schools.

Aligning ASCA Mindsets & Behaviors with WA SEL Standards
Renee' Schoening
This sectional will equip attendees to understand the intersection between the WA State SEL Standards and the ASCA Student Standards: Mindsets & Behaviors for Student Success. They will receive instruction on how to align their Tier I classroom instruction so that they are hitting both targets with intention, purpose, and efficiency.

SchooLinks HSBP Platform: Support for School Administrators
Kim Reykdal
Maria Muto

Join members of the OSPI-SchooLinks Universal HSBP Platform implementation team in learning about the new statewide platform through the school administrator and counselor view. Participants will explore the platform via a brief demo of key data access and reporting functions for school administrators, counselors and other designated staff. Get informed about the new functionality improvements to support all students, as required in Senate Bill 5243, and the statewide implementation timeline and plan. Time for Q&A will also be provided.

Session 5

School Counselors Matter: Transforming Student Lives while Saving Schools Money!
Brett Zyromski
School counselors must often advocate to keep their positions in schools when the reality is that school counselors are value added and impact critical student outcomes. Attendees will learn how school counselors can change systems at every level to support student success. Empirical research and practical examples will be shared illustrating how school counselors can increase student attendance, increase math and reading scores, and decrease behavior issues – by simply doing school counseling!(Hint: We impact the critical things that lead to improved outcomes) Attendees will leave feeling empowered and equipped to advocate for their position as someone who changes lives and who is an invaluable member of the educational community – with examples and research to back it up!

Breaking Down Silos: Integrating ASCA Mindsets & Behavior, SEL, and Financial Education Standards in Tier 1 CSCP
Amy Kliewer
Kylie Massey
If you want to infuse more College and Career Readiness into your CSCP, this session is for you! Join us as we share an innovative, multi-domain approach to planning and delivering Tier 1 CSCP instruction. Together we’ll explore a new, comprehensive tool that crosswalks ASCA Mindsets & Behaviors with Washington’s SEL and Financial Education Standards. Learn how to use this crosswalk to identify opportunities for partnership with classroom and specialist teachers, integrating College and Career readiness into other content areas from Kindergarten through 12th grade. Walk away feeling empowered to support student success by breaking down silos and expanding the CSCP team through collaboration and cross-content partnerships!

Collaborative CSCP Practices in Small and Rural Schools
Stacey Rawson
Heidi Youseph
Kaela Holm
Small and rural schools face unique challenges including limited funding for school counseling, smaller counseling teams, and required roles outside of the ASCA model. Collaborating with a district-wide administrative team is crucial to implementing a robust and successful CSCP in a small district.

Servant Leadership: Meeting Student Need Through Self Discovery
Dr. Melvin Fields
Models that strengthen your ability to implement the ASCA Professional School Counselor Standards & Competencies. Learn to your own individual Servant Leadership characteristics and embrace your leadership responsibilities as new and experienced school counselors to better serve students. Learn how to ensure all young people are supported, healthy, safe, valued, and belong while enhancing your school counseling program at any level.

Implement Effective Small Groups - MTSS & Tier II intervention
Meche Grace
Are you looking for a way to affect your identified goals, areas of growth and achievement gaps through Tier II interventions? Do you want new ideas and curriculum to implement right away when you are back in your building?

Join this session and learn about implementing effective Tier II small groups from start to finish! We will be sharing information about universal screeners for Tier II small groups, ideas for topics and group formation, how to effectively schedule groups, and handing out curriculum resources including pre- and post-assessments.

Elementary, middle and high school counselors are welcome to join with group topics including identity, post-secondary/AVID exploration, anxiety and stress coping, and relationship skill-building. If you have ever felt nervous about starting small groups in your role, or need some new ideas to energize your current Tier II intervention program, this session is for you!

Session 6

Choosing Calm: Developing Emotional Regulation Skills in Students
Rebecca Bowen
Jessica Kelly
Join this session to learn creative, evidence-based practices for school-wide, small group, and individual student support, systems, and instruction to help students regulate. In this very practical, strategy-rich presentation, we will share book lists, tools, and resources that will enhance the effectiveness of your comprehensive school counseling program in meeting the needs of dysregulated students. Learn how to incorporate brain-smart strategies into your lessons and how we are transforming our school-wide behavioral response system by adding calming rooms to meet regulation needs as we respond to disruptive student behaviors.

Supporting Neurodivergent Students
Claire Keepers
Neurodivergence is a non-medical umbrella term that describes people with variation in their mental functions, and can include conditions such as autism spectrum disorder (ASD) or other neurological or developmental conditions such as attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

This session will have three focus areas that will dive deeper on how school counselors can better support students who are considered neurodivergent. Throughout each focus area, participants of this session will learn about the concrete data regarding students who are on 504 Plans and students who have IEP's. We will explore topics such as graduation rates, discipline data, and attendance rates amongst other data points. We will also touch on how school counselors can effectively collaborate with other stakeholders such as special education teachers and administration to better support neurodivergent students. Finally, we will break out into small groups to share how neurodivergence has impacted us throughout our lives.

The CSCP - How to Partner with your Principal
Amy Johnson
Learn how to advocate for your Comprehensive School Counseling Program (CSCP) through a partnership with your building principal. We will discuss ways to align your CSCP with your School Improvement Plan (SIP) and how to use data to show the impact of your program! We will share strategies that you can use to make incremental changes towards a more proactive and preventative school counseling program.

Career Bridge—What’s new, what’s next with WA education & career platform
Marina Parr
Julie MIx-Stark
Changes to Career Bridge are happening now! See how this popular public-facing platform is being transformed into a more engaging, mobile-friendly, truly student-focused tool for planning next career and education steps in Washington. This dynamic presentation provides time to ask questions, make suggestions for more improvements, and take an up-close tour of current and coming changes to the site, including a new digital portfolio feature. The Workforce Board wants Career Bridge to be an easy-to-use tool for teachers, counselors, students, and families. Let us know what you think!

Clock hours will be granted to conference participants.