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WSCA Leadership Conference
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Sessions At-A-Glance

Friday, October 11, 2024

Session 1

School-Wide SEL Strategies to Support Students with Trauma & Anxiety
Renee' Schoening

Talking "College in the High School" with Three Universities: What Counselors Need to Know, What Universities Need to Hear
Tim Stetter
Kyle Carrigan
Jennifer Nuñez

SchooLinks HSBP Platform: Student Experience (Part 1)
Kim Reykdal
Maria Muto

Navigating OSPI's NEW Model Plan & RCW 28A.320.127
Rafaela Steen
Susan Peng-Cowan

Supporting Multilingual Learners' Pathways to Success
Kristin Percy Calaff
Virginia Morales

Session 2

Combating Racial Microaggressions: A Comprehensive Approach for School Counselors
Brett Muskavage

Bridging the Gap: Supporting Students with Disabilities Transition to Higher Education
Kristen Duede
Wendy Holde

SchooLinks HSBP Platform: School Counselor View (Part 2)
Kim Reykdal
Maria Muto

From Burnout to Balance: Utilizing the CLEAR Framework to Support Educator Mental Health and Well-Being
Anna Rowe
Natalie Turner-Depue

It's Time to Show Your Work!
Marin Marks

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Session 3

Wait! I Thought I Was Just Working with Students: Strategies and Mindsets for Managing Difficult Adults in the Schoolhouse
Dr. Tammy Fisher Huson

Turtle, Clam, Crab: SEL the fun way!
Deanna Vega
Waldo Vega

The FUN-damentals: ASCA, WACs, CSCP Facts
Maria Muto

What Does Your Time look Like?
Marin Marks

SchooLinks HSBP Platform: Support for School Administrators
Kim Reykdal
Maria Muto

Session 4

Empowering Inclusivity and Sense of Belonging in Gender Inclusive Schools
Tim Nootenboom
Rhiannon Catlett

Aligning ASCA Mindsets & Behaviors with WA SEL Standards
Renee' Schoening

ABCs of Advocacy
Jenny Morgan

Diana Virgil

Session 5

School Counselors Matter: Transforming Student Lives while Saving Schools Money!
Brett Zyromski

Breaking Down Silos: Integrating ASCA Mindsets & Behavior, SEL, and Financial Education Standards in Tier 1 CSCP
Amy Kliewer
Kylie Massey

Collaborative CSCP Practices in Small and Rural Schools
Stacey Rawson
Heidi Youseph
Kaela Holm

Servant Leadership: Meeting Student Need Through Self Discovery
Dr. Melvin Fields

Implement Effective Small Groups - MTSS & Tier II intervention
Meche Grace

Session 6

Choosing Calm: Developing Emotional Regulation Skills in Students
Rebecca Bowen
Jessica Kelly

Supporting Neurodivergent Students
Claire Keepers

The CSCP - How to Partner with your Principal
Amy Johnson

Career Bridge—What’s new, what’s next with WA education & career platform
Marina Parr
Julie MIx-Stark
Aligning ASCA Mindsets & Behaviors with WA SEL Standards
Renee' Schoening

Breaking Down Silos: Integrating ASCA Mindsets & Behavior, SEL, and Financial Education Standards in Tier 1 CSCP
Amy Kliewer
Kylie Massey

Bridging the Gap: Supporting Students with Disabilities Transition to Higher Education
Kristen Duede
Wendy Holde

Choosing Calm: Developing Emotional Regulation Skills in Students
Rebecca Bowen
Jessica Kelly

Collaborative CSCP Practices in Small and Rural Schools
Stacey Rawson
Heidi Youseph
Kaela Holm

Combating Racial Microaggressions: A Comprehensive Approach for School Counselors
Brett Muskavage

Empowering Inclusivity and Sense of Belonging in Gender Inclusive Schools
Tim Nootenboom
Rhiannon Catlett

From Burnout to Balance: Utilizing the CLEAR Framework to Support Educator Mental Health and Well-Being
Anna Rowe
Natalie Turner-Depue

Implement Effective Small Groups - MTSS & Tier II intervention
Meche Grace

Implementing SEL + Trauma Informed Pracitces in a Rural Community
Mabel Thackeray

It's Time to Show Your Work!
Marin Marks

Navigating OSPI's NEW Model Plan & RCW 28A.320.127
Rafaela Steen

School Counselors and AI: A Smart Partnership
Colleen Schiller
Stephanie Olsen
School Counselors Matter: Transforming Student Lives while Saving Schools Money!
Brett Zyromski

School-Wide SEL Strategies to Support Students with Trauma & Anxiety
Renee' Schoening

SchooLinks HSBP Platform: Student Experience (Part 1)
Kim Reykdal
Maria Muto

SchooLinks HSBP Platform: School Counselor View (Part 2)
Kim Reykdal
Maria Muto

SchooLinks HSBP Platform: Support for School Administrators
Kim Reykdal
Maria Muto

Servant Leadership: Meeting Student Need Through Self Discovery
Dr. Melvin Fields

Supporting Multilingual Learners' Pathways to Success
Kristin Percy Calaff
Virginia Morales

Supporting Neurodivergent Students
Claire Keepers

Talking "College in the High School" with Three Universities: What Counselors Need to Know, What Universities Need to Hear
Tim Setter
Kyle Carrigan

The CSCP - How to Partner with your Principal
Amy Johnson

The FUN-damentals: ASCA, WACs, CSCP Facts
Maria Muto

Turtle, Clam, Crab: SEL the fun way!
Deanna Vega
Waldo Vega

Wait! I Thought I Was Just Working with Students: Strategies and Mindsets for Managing Difficult Adults in the Schoolhouse
Dr. Tammy Fisher Huson

What does your Time look like?
Marin Marks

Clock hours will be granted to conference participants.